Cross Cutting Issues

Cross-Cutting Issues Program dwells on the Human Rights, Prevention and Suppression of the Crime of Genocide and Other Mass Atrocities, Gender, Environment, HIV/AIDS, STDs, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Human Settlements and youth themes. Furthermore, in carrying out its tasks, the Program also has the task of ensuring that these various issues are well integrated and taken into account in the activities of the four flagship programs of the Conference Secretariat, namely: Peace and Security, Democracy and Good Governance, Regional Integration and Economic Development, Humanitarian and Social Issues.

Since its inception, the Cross-Cutting Issues Program has focused on main areas of Human Rights and the Prevention of Genocide this include the establishment of National Committees for the Prevention of Genocide in CAR, DRC, Congo Brazzaville, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Sudan; Establishment of the Regional Committee for the Prevention of Genocide; Training of members of the Regional Committee on the Early Warning System and preparation of a project on the introduction of civic and moral education modules on the prevention of the crime of genocide and other mass atrocities in the educational systems of the 12 Member States.

The outlook of the program is to conduct a study on the existing mechanisms and functioning of national structures for the promotion and defence of human rights and on the situation of human rights in the Region; Establish the National Committees for the Prevention of Genocide in the 4 remaining Member States and revitalize the existing National Committees in the 8 Member States and mobilize funding for the implementation of the Plan of Action of the Regional Committee for the Prevention of Genocide

The International Conference
on the Great Lakes
Region - ICGLR​

For Peace, Security, Stability and Development

The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region - ICGLR

For Peace, Security, Stability and Development